

What is CoolPeel?

CoolPeel is a CO2 laser treatment that targets the most superficial layers of the skin. Fractional CO2 laser treatments traditionally reduce wrinkles, lighten brown spots, minimize scars, and can also tighten the skin. CoolPeel is an innovative treatment that quickly, safely and effectively leaves your skin more radiant with minimal to no downtime.

Treatment Areas:

  • Sun damage to the face, neck, decollete and hands
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin tone and texture
  • Skin laxity
  • Scars
  • Large pores

How Does CoolPeel Work?

CoolPeel works by delivering short pulses of high energy precisely onto the superficial layer of the skin. It utilizes the latest CO2 technology to safely and effectively resurface the skin and reverse the signs of aging. This is a revolutionary treatment because it is gentle in nature but still provides many of the dramatic results that traditional CO2 lasers are known for. Results include reduction in pigmentation, minimizing fine lines & pores, and improvement in texture.

Overall achieving a healthier, more youthful-looking complexion. Patients often see results after a single CoolPeel, though we do recommend a series of 3 treatments to achieve maximal benefit. CoolPeel treatments are fast and convenient, taking only 15-20 minutes to perform.

What Our Patients Say

I got a facial from Joleen and she does a fantastic job! I always leave feeling relaxed and my skin looks incredible in the days after my skin has healed. I’ve been going to see Joleen for about a year and couldn’t recommend her more! – McKenzie

This was by and far the best cosmetic experience in New York. The team is super easy going because of their perpetual great results. The practice is generous and prides themselves on following the newest and most innovative procedures. Creative atmosphere. – S. M.

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How is CoolPeel different from traditional CO2 lasers?

Traditional CO2 lasers are known for their dramatic results such as noticeable skin tightening and erasing brown spots. They use ablative energy to resurface the superficial layer of the skin, but treat the deeper layers of the skin as well. This results in a longer downtime including redness, peeling and flaking.

Only CoolPeel can deliver fractional laser energy without the downtime associated with other CO2 lasers. There is also minimal risk of adverse events such as hyperpigmentation and increased sensitivity. Patients can still expect to see dramatic improvement from CoolPeel despite its gentle nature.


The price of a CoolPeel treatment depends on what area is being treated and how much is done. The typical starting price is $750 per treatment.

The HausMD Method

At HausMD, we pride ourselves in providing a personalized experience at our luxury medspas in New York. Our clinical skin care specialists develop a custom treatment plan to fit your skincare goals and address your concerns. Our team will perform complimentary consultation, including a full skin analysis and discussion including your goals and anti-aging objectives. Our medical spa treatments use the safest and most effective laser techniques to make you comfortable. Request your complimentary consultation online or call our team at (212) 737-1424.


What treatments can be combined with CoolPeel?

Since CoolPeel targets the top layer of the skin, we often combine this procedure with Virtue RF microneedling to treat at a deeper level. RF microneedling uses 36 needles to penetrate the skin, triggering the body to start the healing process and produce new collagen and elastin resulting in smoother skin. The added energy from radiofrequency (RF), causes noticeable skin tightening. This is one of our most popular combination treatments providing long-lasting results.

Request Your NYC CoolPeel Consultation

Book your complimentary consultation online at one of our Westchester and Manhattan, NY locations or call our office at (212) 737-1424 to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect during a CoolPeel treatment?

What should I expect during a CoolPeel treatment? Your provider will perform a detailed consultation to go over your skin goals and concerns. They will then decide what areas would be best to treat based on the result you are looking to achieve. The provider will then apply topical numbing cream that stays on for about 30 minutes to prevent any pain and ensure you are comfortable throughout the treatment. A typical CoolPeel treatment takes around 15-20 minutes to perform, depending on how many areas are treated. We then apply a moisturizing mask, and provide you with our aftercare regimen to ensure you leave with the necessary products to maintain adequate skin hydration.

What body areas does CoolPeel treat?

CoolPeel is a versatile treatment and safe for many body areas. The most common areas we treat are the face, neck, decollete, and hands.

Who is a good candidate for CoolPeel?

Those looking to improve fine lines, enlarged pores, sun damage, and other signs of aging are excellent candidates for CoolPeel. Our providers will understand your skin concerns and goals then advise whether CoolPeel is right for you.

How soon can I return to work after CoolPeel?

CoolPeel is fully customizable to accommodate the result you most desire. On the lightest setting, you may return to work the next day, and on higher settings you can be pink for up to 48 hours. The most downtime you may see from CoolPeel is looking like you have a sunburn, and you may apply makeup 24 hours after the procedure.

Shop Online

At Haus MD, we are proud to carry an array of dermatology-tested skin care and aesthetic products to help you look and feel your best. We only carry brands that we believe in, including our own Rothaus MD products, which have been skillfully formulated for healthy skin and long-lasting results. Visit our online store to shop.

Ready To Get Started?

If you would like to learn more about our offered treatments, products, or would like to schedule a consultation appointment, please contact our office today. Our friendly team will be happy to assist you.


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